Social locations: Finding yourself

This lesson is central to social justice. You're learning about the typical reactions people have when they first learn about their privileges, with the hope that you might avoid repeating those behaviors. You'll also learn more about the many boosts and obstacles you've had BECAUSE of your identities. We're often much more of aware of the oppressions that hurt us than those that benefit us. I developed the social location map as a tool to help us think through patterns. The symbols to the right connect to the lessons on Visibility, Non-visibility, Inheritability, and Abandonment. My hope is that by thinking about similarities between oppressions we might develop empathy a little faster.

These are the preparation materials, which would traditionally be the more passive, lecture component of the class. These are the materials that my students work with before we get together in class.

Locations Prep materials.docx

This worksheet is what we would be doing in a 2-hour class period, where we have a chance to work together. This time is especially valuable because you can really apply the concepts you learned, while getting perspective and support from other folks. The worksheet represents 2 hours of work in groups of 3.

This .doc file might be easier for editing than the pdf.

social locations worksheet.pdf

This social location map is used for the second part of the class time. We use it throughout the term.

It is an imperfect, oversimplified tool, it's meant as a starting point for conversation, a thought exercise for beginners. I developed the as a tool to help us think through patterns. The symbols to the right connect to the lessons on Visibility, Non-visibility, Inheritability, and Abandonment connected to Irving Goffman's work on Stigma. My hope is that by thinking about similarities between oppressions we might develop empathy a little faster.

This link will take you to a .doc file, for easier editing

social location map.pdf

This is a summary video I made for my online students. It might give you a sense of some of the ideas from the worksheet and an overall view of the ideas from that lesson.

Here are some great things that I couldn't include in the lesson, if you're interested, keep looking!

Locations Extra materials.docx

This is an extra worksheet for folks who are a little more familiar with social justice. I have students who take multiple classes from me. I give them a separate worksheet so they can discuss different things while we're covering the basics for the newer folks.

This docx version may be easier to edit

social locations RETURNERS worksheet.pdf