For teachers

This page has all kinds of extra things, the parts of my teaching that aren't directly part of the curriculum. I'll be writing short pieces, a bit like a blog. I'm starting with the headlines, then I'll be filling them in a bit at a time. If you'd like to subscribe to the posts, you can fill in your email right here:

I work from a popular education pedagogy, putting students at the center, and using the materials and examples that they use in their everyday lives.

These are some of the pieces I'll be writing as I can:

Tricks for online teaching

Flipped classroom: students at the center, guide on the side

Choosing materials: finding the best stuff

Choosing materials: whose voices are you prioritizing?

Choosing materials: keeping track of it all, building your library

Choosing materials: how much is too much?

Creating materials: getting comfortable with video

Distance learning centered on synchronous conversations

Designing interesting conversations for students

Informed consent: welcoming students BEFORE the term begins

Formative assessment in flipped classrooms

Using fidgeters to engage kinesthetic learning, and as emotional outlet for loaded conversations

Welcoming equity: The tone of your syllabus and written communications

Welcoming equity: creating community in your classroom

Welcoming equity: how to handle conversations about oppression

Welcoming equity: differentiated classroom guidelines